Cat Facts That You Are Not Aware Of

kittenCat owners are going the extra mile to care for their pets. They buy them the best food and other pet care products from online shops using coupons like discount code. So why do cat lovers go the extra mile to feed a natural born hunter? Let’s talk more about cats and their secret lives.

Cat Facts That You Are Not Aware Of

  • How cats thought of us. Dogs treat fellow dogs differently from how they treat their human owners. But cats look at us as equals meaning they behave exactly the same way they behave around fellow felines as they do with humans. They do think we are clumsy too as we trip over them but cats don’t trip over us.
  • More cats than dogs. Do you have a cat at home? How many cats are there in your neighborhood? Records show that in a household who adores pets, there is a ratio of 3 cats to one dog. Meaning, there are actually more cats than dogs in terms of population.
  • Why are there more cats than dogs? Perhaps the reason behind this is that female cats can reproduce more often than female dogs. Cats can actually get pregnant again right after giving birth to her litter of kittens while dogs will have to wait for some time.
  • Cucumber and cats. You must have seen many viral videos from Youtube about cats and cucumbers. The videos are funny demonstrating surprised and leaping cats. But the question is are cats really scared of Cucumbers?
  • Why are cats scared of cucumbers? Cats are not really scared of cucumbers. But they could be surprised by the sudden presence of a cucumber that resembles a snake which as we know is a deadly predator. Animal welfare specialists and other experts are warning us though that this is not a nice surprise for pets. It stresses them out and may cause them serious health issues.
  • Cats are hunters by nature. The National Geographic made a simple test to see what felines are up to in their day to day lives. A camera was affixed to the cat to see what the cat’s day looked like. A trip to the neigbor, eyeing the chickens at the backyard, a trip down the sewer, hunting and catching a mice and a lizard. Lizard seems to be there favorite. Before the trip home, they pass by a home who seems to be the second owner and gets a free meal and treats.
  • Cats are self supporting. Based on the test video that Nat Geographic took of cats, it is safe to say that cats are survivors and self supporting as they are naturally born hunters. But of course, as domesticated as cats are today, despite their nature, they still need the TLC to be in the best shape.

The Secret Life of Cats

Cats are adorable. And there could be more theories about cats that has not been explored yet. But one thing is for sure, they have grown to adapt with the lives of humans and humans have learned to love and accept them being cuddly and warm although not friendly at times.