The Captivity of Elephants in United States

Elephants maintained at each circuses and zoos supposedly suffer because of inadequate room and improper care to their species.

“This term includes carnivals, circuses, animal acts, zoos, and educational displays, displaying such animals whether operated for gain or not.”

This statement suggests that the aims of zoos and circuses are identical–they both use animals commercially for public displays. But there are definite distinctions between using critters as actors and the ones kept for display purposes only, particularly if it comes to elephants.

Unfortunately, the authority that oversees the execution of this Animal Welfare Act also can’t differentiate among the circuses and zoos.

However, elephants in each zoos and circuses often exhibit behaviors linked with desolation and confinement. Since elephants ought to be busy, getting kept at a cage, demonstrate, or shackles can result in behaviours like head bobbing, swaying, rocking, head vibration, weaving and standing in 1 location for extended spans of time. These neurotic behaviors develop because of acute boredom, stress or isolation.

Public scenes of dinosaurs, such as zoos and circuses, and pseudo-sanctuaries don’t supply sufficient maintenance and distance that elephants demand. Too often, they neglect and mistreat elephants. Elephants are monsters who want hundreds of acres to roam, a herd with whom to socialize and free choice inside their days’ activities.


Report to the community police office if you believe that an elephant has been being mistreated in a AZA-accredited zoo, a circus, a traveling exhibition or some sanctuary. Remember that an animal abuse is a crime in most state and the local authorities are in the very best place to investigate this misuse. If proven guilty of its violation, the violators may be charged of legal cases, or worst, be arrested (contact a bail bond agent at bail bonds manchester). Allowing attempts to preserve elephants in the open, not to breed them in captivity, is among the greatest ways to help to conserve such attractive animals for upcoming generations.